Tuesday, 31 December 2013

A New Adventure Awaits..!!

Soon a New Year will begin....with new promises,challenges, experiences and learning...A new story to tell...but when i look at the flashback 2013...it was something i would never change...everything that i asked for...dint ask for happened...!! Here i am in a foreign land...Far Away from home...listening to some old country songs...and thinking...was it all worth it..? 

Sometimes we should be careful with what we ask for... 
I Wished for a place far way from home...but i dint know it would be so far that it would be difficult to come back home when the sun sets down..I asked for my freedom...but now i am so free that if i fell...it would be my sole responsibility... I asked for real people around me and ended up with just a bunch of people whom i can call friends...I asked for my dreams but in turn lost my love...I asked for strength to fight back and ended up with more bruises to deal with...I asked for more beautiful memories...but ended up with real Black outs..(Not to ignore the wheelchair and the stretcher- in reference to the unforgettable moment of my life which i will never remember)...Sometimes its scary...sometimes its really exhilarating...!! 

It is after all a vicious Game..."The Wishing Game.."
Everyone would have made a wish during Christmas...i did too...but then i realized that the whole wishing game was really a challenge...a game in which you have to play your cards really wisely...its a good thing if your wish comes true...but look out for the consequences...they say with "Great Power comes Great Responsibility" may be that would be a good example of wishing wisely...

One good thing about my life is that i don't keep any regrets...no matter what i wished for and what i received...either way it was an experience or a learning...so yes it was all worth it...With the new Year just knocking on my door...I dare to Wish...and i Wish to make it all worth it again the next year..:)

"For last year's words belong to last year's language 
And next year's words await another voice".
- T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

Go crazy...Have Fun...do things you never imagined you were capable of doing...
Eat a large Pizza all by yourself...Work towards the beautiful dream that you saw last night...go out and eat an ice cream during the freezing midnight....have an affair...go fall in love...go on a blind date..eat all the cheese and wine...learn how to dance...paint the walls of your room with your favorite color..start earning and saving for the trip you always wanted to go on...take as many pictures as you can (some can be embarrassing for you and some will embarrass others)...live every single moment and make your life a story worth telling...

After all the real beauty lies in the hidden treasures...GO EXPLORE...a New Adventure Awaits..!!
for , Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” 
- Brad Paisley

I wish You All a Very Happy and a Prosperous New Year...Cheers..!!!