Hands trembling, her world shattered to ruins, bleeding body, aching soul, there she was lying helpless, not even bothered to ask for help, all by herself, given up on life, existence , reality.
What happened to her? Who did this to her ?
He saw her from a distant corner. she looks at him, dust and blood in her eyes making it hazy for her to see him, but she knows, he is looking at her, she struggles to breathe and suddenly, its is all gone, there is peace, silence, no more pain.
she closes her eyes , smiles, and says, "mine is one of the million deaths".
He keeps staring at her divine blood, and finally cries out loud, its over, its over, its over.
It was few years ago when he saw her, one in a million smile.
He was passing by his regular hangout parlor, when she called him, "hey you , yes you, you smiled at me"
Yes i did, you just made me smile, you look like the sunshine we all need.
Oh , if that's the case, i hope u spread the sunshine of joy everywhere, keep smiling.
He turns and leaves, looks back and she is still smiling.
He gets back home, finds his sister in tears,
Hey baby doll, whats up today,who took your smile away ?
They did, mumma did, papa did.
Why do you say that doll?
They asked me to get married.
Isn't that what you should, you are of age now ? don't you need someone to hold you, love you for the rest of your life ?
Brother, Do i need someone to love me ? No I Don't. I love myself, I love you all and you all love me back, Isn't that enough ?
Haha, my baby doll, you talk of innocence, Its a cruel world out there, you are a woman, you will need someone to protect you, someone to fulfill your dreams, support you.
But, But brother, I can do it on my own, Brother please, stop them,
He leaves, looks at her , smiles and says, baby doll, you will understand its for your good, all in time.
He is tired from all days work, gets back to his room, sees his wife sleeping peacefully.
Wakes her up, lovingly and says, my love. I am back home, what have you cooked for me.
Nothing, she says. I feel i just want to be myself today, read , watch my favorite show.
Haha, ofcourse love, but you can do that after you feed me ? can't you do this for me after all the hard work i do all day long to keep you happy and bring all the luxuries for you back home ?
But, But i just want one day off, by myself, please.
Sure love, you have all day , everyday to yourself, just a bit of attention when im back home, isn't it your responsibility ?
she sighs, true, i'll get you food right away.
thanks my love, that's like my sweetheart.
He hears jumping feet in the next room and wakes up from his afternoon nap, goes to the other room and sees his daughter jumping and dancing.
Child why are you jumping, I am so happy to see you smiling, whats the good news ?
Dad, he says he loves me, I have always loved him. I think he is the one, my forever.
Haha, you are naive my child, you are too young to understand true love. He is not right for you.
But dad, you don't know him, he is the one for me, if you meet him you will know that too.
I am your father child, I know whats the best for you, I have more life experience, I will find you a prince charming, don't you worry child.
But dad, How can i fall in love with someone you find for me, isn't this more simple to be with someone i already love ?
Child its about your life, we cannot risk it.
But Dad, that's what I have been saying all day long that its my life and we should not risk it.
Enough child, go to bed, get some rest, we need to go meet my friends son tomorrow, they have been waiting for us.
But dad, what about the guy I love , if he is not good for me, who is he good for then ?
Child, its his destiny now, leave it to his fate.
But dad, what if we were destined to be ?
If it was destined, I would know, I am your father, Have i ever done anything which is not in your favor ?
That's true dad, you have loved me unconditionally, i think you are right, Ill be ready in the morning to go with you
I am glad child, sleep now, he kisses her forehead and leaves.
He was on his way back to meet his friends when his mother stops him, Son, can you get me some playing marbles when you come back home ?
Playing marbles, why mother, why do you need them ?
I just need them, do i have to tell you why, to get them ?
I am just curious mother, why would you need playing marbles ?
Well they are playing marbles, if a child asked for them to you, wouldn't you know why he needs them ?
Well if its a child i would know that he wants to play with it.
Exactly my point son, I need them to play with them, its been quite a while since i did that.
What ? you want to play with the marbles, haha, mother you make no sense to me sometimes.
But why son ?
You should sit and read about god at this age mother, to fulfill your life purpose.
But i thought you were my life purpose, you are my life, haven't i justified my life enough already ?
Well i got no time for this mom, but i love you, i'll get you some beautiful jewelry when i come back, may be that would be of more worth at this age.
Mothers prays for him and shuts the door.
He has been a wonderful son, husband and a father.
He wished best for his family.
But then why did he cut theirs wings off ? Was he afraid that their independent flight might bruise them?
Years went by, he made decisions which he thought were best for them.
and one fine day,
He saw her again,
Bruised, bleeding and trembling with pain.
He kept staring at her from a distant corner.
She was dead, and someone who passed by told him,
"Poor woman, her parents got her married to a guy and he found out that she does not love him and loves someone else, so he beat her to death and left her crying, and the man you see sitting beside her is the guy who she loved all her life".
He breaks into tears all of a sudden, fear runs through his bones.
She looks at him from a distant, sand and blood in her eyes, its all hazy,but she knows its him, and she smiles at him.
Reality strikes, its the same woman who smiles just like the sunshine.
She is gone, its over.
And she yells at him, "mine is one of the million deaths"
and now he knows why she said that, she speaks for all the women who have died, because all their life, men like him, made decisions for them.
They brought them unnatural death.
Well, she is dead now.
But we still have a chance, why can't we let our women think for themselves, decide for themselves, why cant we be more confident about them ?
She is beautiful, she might look fragile, but she is a lot more than that.
She is fully equipped by nature to protect herself and to know what is best for her, lets trust her and if she falls, "My Man" you pick her up and put her back to the field and let her fight her own battles.
Ours is a majestic world. Lets do our own part here and leave behind out own little imprints for the world to remember us.
I hope someday, when I am gone, you will still see me, find me in all that i will leave behind and know me for who i was, and not what they wanted me to be.