Thursday, 21 April 2011


I thought of telling you this...but then...i stopped...i choked...the memories of the scene came rushing in my head...everything looked so surreal...did it actually happen or was i just dreaming....oh no...i think its time for a reality check now...sounds were floating back in the background....i heard you saying something about being wasn't senses were all was i supposed to react to that...after all i had seen a DEATH today... just in front of my eyes...didn't you feel the pain and agony... didn't you hear the loud grievous cries....didn't you see that suffering voice asking for were with me...yes you were standing just beside me...did you forgot so easily that we were together when the incident took place....we were standing like silent dead mannequins..we din't make any attempt to move...i wished we had taken a step forward...may be we could have saved...are we her MURDERERS..???? was not supposed to be like that...then why did it happen...why..????

IF all.......would have save this planet from dying then mother earth would not have ceased to exist...our ignorance has killed her..yes we are the murderers...we ourselves left her in the hands of cruel pollution, corruption, theft, murder, rape, kidnapping, terrorism, global warming, poverty, unemployment, hunger, deforestation, dirty politics, and the list will go is not as small as you had imagined it to be my friend....its so long that it can actually break all records...after leaving our mother earth to fight with all these can we even imagine that she was going to survive.....NO ONE COULD AND NOR DID SHE....

I don't blame her...i point my finger at myself and you....why did we always depended on somebody else to do it...why didn't we take a little pain and help her fight...we could have saved her..IF ONLY we would have tried....

THIS will happen my dear friends...if we don't change our attitude...if we don't change our lifestyles...It only takes a little effort to help...we are living in an era of millions of young and mature people...why not every individual just take a single step...and together we can take millions of steps which will help us to finish our quest at a faster pace...and i promise it would be faster than one can imagine....

Just start with little things..and before you will be contributing generous deeds..
COME HERE....LETS STAND TOGETHER and make a promise to be more responsible and active regarding our actions....who knows...WE might just be able to SURVIVE....!!!!

Written By: Karishma Ankleshwaria 

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